Saving water and restoring rivers, lakes, wetland, coastal areas and the Mediterranean is also saving the habitat of many species. The water agency preserves habitats and ecological continuity through its financial support to project leaders. It also contributes to reconquering biodiversity by financing operations to reduce the use of pesticides and the destruction of soil impermeability.
22 % of freshwater fish and 23 % of amphibians are under threat in France
2/3 of the surface area of original wetlands in France has been destroyed. In 100 years, 2.5 million hectares, i.e. 3 times the surface area of Corsica, have disappeared.
3 challenges to be taken up to save water and biodiversity: the fight against the disappearance and fragmentation of habitats and areas, reduction of pollution and mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.
The possibilities for the water agency to intervene are extensive. It may:
Support action on the marine environment or biodiversity as a complement to the balanced and sustainable management of water and marine environment resources
Contribute to knowledge, and to the protection and preservation of land and marine biodiversity as part of national and regional strategies for biodiversity
Commit to works to restore natural habitats and ecological continuity
Acquire property to preserve remarkable environments (marshes, peatlands, lakesides and wet coastal areas ...)
Draw up multi-theme management plans on strategic areas such as biological reservoirs at the head of drainage basins, threatened wetland, temporary ponds and lagoons ...
Restore the condition of the marine habitats of macro-algae or posidonia
Be familiar with and assess bio-indicator and heritage species, in conjunction with restoration programs receiving aid from the agency.
Restore the nursery functions of the little coastal beds destroyed by coastal development.
The agency works for the preservation of biodiversity through its politics to protect aquatic environments. The agency provides aid for:
the restoration of the continuity of rivers and the morphology of aquatic environments,
the restoration and preservation of wet zones
the preservation and restoration of marine environments in the Mediterranean.
To support the operational implementation of the law on recovering biodiversity, it has also launched a Call for initiatives.